منتديات تونسيا.منتدى

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منتديات تونسيا.منتدى
منتديات تونسيا.منتدى
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

Eric Clapton - White Collection (2008

اذهب الى الأسفل

Eric Clapton - White Collection (2008 Empty Eric Clapton - White Collection (2008

مُساهمة من طرف Dalikovic الأربعاء 18 مارس - 6:42

Eric Clapton - White Collection (2008)

Eric Clapton - White Collection (2008 2rd7s6o

CD 1:

01- I'm Your Witch Doctor (Ft.John Mayall's Bluesbrakers)
02- For Your Love (Ft.The Yardbirds)
03- Boom Boom (with The Yardbirds)
04- Good Morning Little Schoolgirl (with The Yardbirds)
05- Miles Road (& Jimmy Page)
06- I Ain't Got You (with The Yardbirds)
07- A Certain Girl (with The Yardbirds)
08- Tribute To Elmore (& Jimmy Page)
09- Train Kept A Rolling (The Yardbirds)
10- Freight Loader
11- Talking About You (Ft.The Yardbirds)
12- Smokestack Lightning (Ft.The Yardbirds)

CD 2:

01- Draggin' My Tail
02- Big Boss Man (Ft.The Yardbirds)
03- Snake Drive
04- Got To Hurry (with The Yardbirds)
05- West Coast Idea
06- Pounds And Stomps (Ft.The Yardbirds)
07- Choker
08- I Wish You Would (with The Yardbirds)
09- Got Love If You Want It (Ft.The Yardbirds)
10- Take It Easy Baby (Ft.The Yardbirds)
11- Out On The Watercoast (Ft.The Yardbirds)
12- Five Long Years (Ft.The Yardbirds)



Nombre de messages : 554
Age : 35
Réputation : 0
Points : 2147489243
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2009


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